NECSTouR Enlightenment on the Dark Side of Mass Tourism

NECSTouR Enlightenment on the Dark Side of Mass Tourism


"The contemporary European Tourism is experiencing many challenges related with the mass tourism. NECSTouR believes that an intercultural dialogue is the answer to all that challenges"

With this words, the NECSTouR coordinator presented our point of view to the 4 MEPs and other participants during the round table discussion "The dark side of mass tourism: What should the industry do with the impact of mass tourism?", organised by MEP István Ujhelyi last 11th of October.

NECSTouR is acting proactively in this sense and, in the framework of the European Year on Cultural Heritage 2018, a pan-Eu dialogue on social and cultural sustainability of Tourism will be organised on the 19th of April 2018.

"Beside dialogue - continued Mrs Nunez - the best receipt to face this challenge might include three fundamental ingredients: working on smart destinations, skills development (it is fundamental do develop new talents to find creative solutions to the current issues) and working with tourism indicators (measuring cultural sustainability is the best way to manage it)"

Finally, a couple of regional best practices -  from the Balearic Islands, Veneto and Île-de-France - have been presented, providing practical examples and supporting the whole discourse.