Patrick Torrent presents the exeperience of NECSTouR on how to attract more visitors to Europe

Patrick Torrent presents the exeperience of NECSTouR on how to attract more visitors to Europe



The President of NECSTouR had been invited to present our experience on how to attract more visitors to Europe in a framework of a Public-Private partnership.

During his intervention, Mr Torrent presented the six pillars that has been already stated at the last European Tourism Forum in Brussels:

1) More #Marketing and less policy tourism
2) Less brand and more #Values, such as sustainability and competitiveness
3) Sell #Experiences instead of destinations
4) Especially develop #Whattouristswants
5) Much more #Online instead of offline promotion
6) Work on #Fidelisation of Tourists

The intervention of Mr Torrent was particularly appreciated by the participants to this event, organised in Milan by the European Commission, the Italian Ministry for Tourism and the Lombardia Region.
The title of the event was: "Synergies between Cultural and Creative Industries and Tourism"