Pilot Tests: Finished!

Pilot Tests: Finished!


We are extremely happy to announce that the three regional pilot tests have been successfully completed, with 75 people testing the activities in Prato, Montserrat and Girona. The groups completed 26 activities in the regions and will be providing feedback to help improve the spiritual offering. The regional stakeholders will also be providing feedback to help us improve the experience.

The groups represented a mix of European young people, with young people from the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, Romania, Hungary, Ireland and Estonia taking part. This range of experiences and life stories will allow us to understand better the desires for spiritual tourism and the responses that the activities evoke. 

The initial response to finishign the pilot testing was very positive from the partners of the project, with Harry Trimbos, from South Limburg stating that "it was an intense and absolutely inspiring experience!" Everyone at Spirit Youth would like to thank all the pilot testers and local practitioners who helped make the testing possible, and we hope that everyone found the experience rewarding.

For more information on the activities, they are described here.