IPTPO Presents Impacts of COVID-19 on Coastal Destinations and Mitigating Initiatives

IPTPO Presents Impacts of COVID-19 on Coastal Destinations and Mitigating Initiatives

NECSTouR Academic Member, Prof. Kristina Brščić from the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism Poreč (IPTPO), intervened at the online conference "What have we learned and done so far: Social, medical and educational aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic“, on the 27 May.


The conference has been the opportunity to present the social aspects of COVID-19 having impacts on Coastal and Island Destinations and the ongoing work within NECSTouR, aiming at building a European recovery plan for tourism through interregional cooperation and engaging cooperation to gather measures and find inspiration to face covid-19 also on European Coasts and Islands.

Find out how NECSTouR Members are at the forefront into monitoring, supporting, communicating and building recovery in their territories here


Prof. Kristina Brščić mentioned also the ongoing cooperation within Winter Med project and the NECSTouR partners of this project – IPTPO, as well as Tuscany and Balearic Islands Region – to inspire solution at the Mediterranean and European level on how to mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19 on Coastal and Islands Destinations.

Find out more information on WinterMED Project here