
NECSTouR Contributes to the MED Policy Recommendations on Sustainable Tourism

As part of the MITOMED+ Project, NECSTouR Secretariat and some of its members (Andalusia, Insittute of Agriculture and Tourism in Porec and CNR-IBIMET) attended the Workshop of the MED Sustainability Tourism Community "Towards Policy Recommendations on Sustainable Tourism: Shaping the Results of the MED Community".

The conference has been the opportunity to work together with the representatives of other MED Projects towards the drafting of the final policy recommendations of the MED Sustainability Community. It has been organised in Split, on the 27-28 March.

NECSTouR brought its exprience and the initiatives developed within the MITOMED+ Project and actively participated to the activities of the following Working Groups:

  • Monitoring the sustainability of tourism. NECSTouR contributed to this group through the participation of Mrs Ana Moniche (Andalusia Region), NECSTouR Working Group leader on Indicators.
  • Reducing the environmental-cultural-social impacts of tourism in the Mediterranean region. NECSTouR brought its experience on sustainable policies implementation, resulting by the work of its working group on Smart Destinations.
  • Governance mechanisms to engage and to include a wide variety of stakeholders in a more sustainable and responsible tourism.The common set of indicators and the open online platform developed by the MITOMED+ to measure and benchmark sustainble policy measures by the Coastal and Maritime destination tourism autorities has been included in the debate, as good example to enhance sustainable development policies for a more efficient valorisation of their natural resources and cultural heritage.

Cooperation with other projects

The event has been also the opportunity to share ideas and plan joint initiatives with other MED projects. Opportunities for a wider cooperation has been explored in particular with the partners of Co-Evolve, Alter-Eco, Emblematic and Destimed projects.

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