Valencia Region the new Coordinator of NECSTouR Working Group on Innovation, Tourism Skills and Education

Valencia Region the new Coordinator of NECSTouR Working Group on Innovation, Tourism Skills and Education


NECSTouR Working Group on Innovation, Tourism Skills and Education will be until now coordinated by the Region of Valencia.

Priorities. The new Coordinator Region will be particularly interested on developing new Tourism Skills among the youngsters, to reduce the gaps between the tourism professionals and the private sector. Tourism Innovation through the use of the new digital platforms and a multi-level Education towards a Competitive and Sustainable Tourism will also have a special place in the new agenda of this working group.

Good Practices. The experience of the Valencia Region at this regard is remarkable. For Instance, Invatur (Valencian Institute of Tourism Technology) is a platform conceived to gather all the Stakeholders in the Tourism sector and to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the Valencia Tourism model through concrete project for the regional Development and Innovation.

Massive Online Open Online Course. One of the main concrete initiatives that Valencia will coordinate this year in cooperation with the University of Alicante and other interested NECSTouR Members, will be a MOOC that will contribute to reduce the gaps between the tourism professionals and the private sector and to update tourism professionals CV according to the new consumers needs and trends.