Participate in and influence EU Tourism Policy – through consultations, access to European funds, developing project ideas and finding quality partners.

Be part of an open and dynamic network of tourism experts at regional, national, European and international level and take the opportunity to collaborate and share with them.
Have direct access to European decision makers, and to a wide range of regional actors from academic and research institutions, representatives of tourism enterprises and the tourism industry.

Promote your region / organisation to influential European / international stakeholders.
Receive regular information on:
- Knowledge and expertise available in other regions, through associated members and international organisations;
- European sustainable tourism policy activities from the European institutions, key meetings, insightful reports and up-coming projects;
- High-level events related to sustainable and competitive tourism development throughout Europe.

NECSTouR is the heart of an authentic Project Hub on Tourism, providing to its members a series of services (monitoring, support, dissemination, …) focused on European projects.

Full members of NECSTouR can be:
- Regional authorities of the European Union, the European Economic Area or European countries with which the European Union has concluded a partnership agreement in the field of tourism;
- In specific cases, following a proposal of the Board of Directors on the basis of criteria previously defined and validated by the General Assembly, tourist authorities.
Full members have the following key rights and obligations:
- to vote in the General Assembly and be eligible for the Board of Directors;
- to participate in working groups and in projects and conferences;
- to receive all documents, newsletters, research and information generated by the Network; plus access to the member’s database;
- to use the network to disseminate their activities;
- to pay an annual contribution fee. The amount of the Membership Fee will be calculated
accordingly to the criteria agreed at the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting 2022
Associated members of NECSTouR can be:
- National, European and international professional, associative, institutional, academic or research structures and networks, destinations, local collectives and destination networks, and whose application for membership to the network is approved by the appropriate commission of the General Assembly.
Associated members have the following main rights and obligations:
- to attend the General Assembly, vote on specific issues and be eligible for the Board of Directors as consultative members;
- to participate in working groups and in projects and conferences;
- to receive all documents, newsletters, research and information generated by the network; plus access to the member’s database;
- to use the network to disseminate their activities;
- to pay an annual contribution fee of 750€

Adhesion procedure
1. Contact the NECSTouR Permanent Secretariat, express your interest and receive a personalised support:
John Fitzgibbon
Managing Director
Grasmarkt 61 – 5th Floor,
1000, Brussels, Belgium
+32 2 721 72 93
2. Formalise your request of adhesion, by filling in the adhesion documents here below and send them to our person of contact.
For Full Members:
For Associate Members:
3. On its following meeting, the NECSTouR Board of Directors will evaluate your eligibility and will validate your adhesion.
4. On the following NECSTouR Annual General Meeting, your adhesion will be officially approved.


Andalusia Region (ES)
Full Member“NECSTouR is achieving an increasing recognition as a leader in sustainable tourism by European institutions, but also by leading international institutions such as the UNWTO, UN and OECD. This is a success we are proud to share with NECSTouR as we have offered the network the benefits of our previous collaboration with these international organizations”

Visit Scotland (UK)
Full Member“For us, NECSTouR provides a dynamic forum to exchange good practice and successful strategies, delivering insight and an enhanced capacity to share and identify innovation, build profile and develop relationships with some of the some of the most successful visitor destinations in the world.”

Liguria (IT)
Full Member“Through NECSTouR we want to foster European financial opportunities and initiatives directly linked with tourism, to include wider role for local and governmental boards, support cross border cooperation, have direct lines for tourism development and have easier managing rules”

Visit South Limburg (NL)
Full Member“Learning from other NECSTouR destinations and sharing best practices is particularly important for us. A good example was the project Spirit Youth: a new marketing concept, called ‘South Limburg, a Spiritual Awakening’ resulting from the research done within this project was successful and was awarded with the 2nd prize within the European Cultural Tourism Award 2018."