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NECSTouR advocates for the sustainable tourism community in Blue Islands Final Webinar

NECSTouR was invited by ACR+ to represent the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism community at Blue Islands final event. The project transformed what was supposed to be a conference in a webinar. Hosted by Greek MEP Maria Spyraki, the event was aiming to find solutions for "minimizing the hidden costs of tourism in MED islands" through "waste prevention actions and circular economy perspectives".


REGIOSTARS Awards 2020

The Regiostars are Europe’s award to EU-funded projects which demonstrate excellence and new approaches in regional development. The goal is to inspire other regions and project managers across Europe, participating projects are in the spotlight of communication activities at European level.

Five categories and a public choice award, crucial for the future of EU regional policy:

Lazio Region adopts MITOMED+ Tourism Management Model

Lazio Region is the first NECSTouR Region out of the MITOMED+ Partnership to adopt the MED Maritime & Coastal Tourism Management Model developed by this project. Others can do it too.


Wide Committment. By signing a specific Memorandum of Understanding, Lazio Region committed to:

European Cultural Tourism Awards 2020

Applications for the European Cultural Tourism Awards 2020 are now open until July 1st. NECSTouR members are invited to participate.

The theme for this year is ‘Special interest tourism development and promotion based on Cultural Heritage’. The Awards contest is open to tourist destinations across Europe, to showcase their results and outputs in sustainable cultural tourism under five selected categories:

MED Sustainable Tourism Kick-Off Meeting Report

The Kick-Off Meeting of the Interreg MED Horizontal Project on Sustainable Tourism took place in Salou, Spain from the 2nd to the 4th of March. The event gathered representatives of most of the Modular Projects of the Sustainable Tourism community.

NECSTouR advocates for Sustainable Mobility in Tourism at Eurovelo Event

The workshop with decision makers on developing cycling tourism in the Mediterranean Area took place at the Croatian Permanent Representation in Brussels. NECSTouR Permanent secretariat was invited by the European Cyclists Federation (ECF) to share its view on how to manage the continuing growth of the tourism sector to ensure its sustainably.

Andalusian Strategic Projects towards a Sustainable Coastal Tourism

The regional Minitry of Tourism, Regeration, Justice and Local Administration of Andalusia is partner of two projects focused on the Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Destinations: DestiMED Plus and BestMED.

Andalusia Strategic Projects on Cyclotourism

Government of Andalusia is involved in in three projects aiming at promoting cyclotourism as a way of tackling overcrowded touristic areas, giving more sustainable options to visitors and tourists as well as contributing to boost the economy of inland, rural and more isolated areas : Eurovelo 1 & 8 and the Eco-Cicle.

VIDEO: NECSTouR Activities in 2019 towards Competitive and Sustainable Tourism


A short video to summarize 365 days of strong commitments towards competitive and sustainable tourism. 

All the main events that took place during the year 2019, including 7 events organised by NECSTouR.

Watch the Video

Croatian Presidency of the EU Prioritises Responsible and Sustainable Tourism, in Line with the NECSTouR Vision


From the 1st of January to the 30th of June 2020, Croatia is taking over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for its first time. NECSTouR strongly salutes the inclusion of tourism in the Croatian program as a challenge for both sustainability and competitiveness.

Västra Götaland Defends Sustainable Tourism as a Catalyst for Regional Development during OECD Workshop


Helena HOLMBERG from Västra Götaland, a Member of NECSTouR, was invited in Vienna to present her region’s and NECSTouR’s work on sustainable tourism during a session on multi-level governance for regional tourism development during OECD Workshop on December, 12-13.

NECSTouR Participates to the First Steering Committee Meeting for the Sustainable Tourism Community

The MED Sustainable Tourism Community met for its first Steering Committee Meeting and participated to the Lead Partner Seminar of the Interreg MEd Programme on December 10th and 11th in Marseille. NECSTouR permanent secretariat attended both events.