Who we are
NECSTouR is the Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism. Based in Brussels, it develops Interregional Projects and fosters cooperation to enable Sustainable Tourism Governance in Europe.

Our network
NECSTouR is constituted under Belgian law as a not-for-profit association.
As the network for more than 40 European regional tourism authorities and more than 30 associated members (universities, research institutes, representatives of tourism enterprises and sustainable tourism associations), NECSTouR proactively, and in partnership, work to address challenges by identifying, capturing and sharing best practice solutions with our members and our key partners and alliances across Europe. In this way, we help destinations achieve a smarter, more sustainable approach to tourism development.
To help members deliver the tourism of tomorrow, NECSTouR provides an interregional cooperation strategy focused on the five key strategic approaches, known as the “Five S of sustainable tourism of Tomorrow”: Smart destinations, Sociocultural balance, Skills and talent, Safety and resilience, Statistics and measurability. These are complement two cross-cutting initiatives: The Barcelona Declaration “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit” and the Smart Specialisation Platform "Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism".
NECSTouR works to achieve the Tourism of Tomorrow. Together, we aim to build a competitive and sustainable model of tourism for Europe - as stated in the Agenda for a Competitive and Sustainable tourism of the European Commission COMM (2007) 621 – “The right balance between the welfare of tourists, the needs of the natural and cultural environment and the development and competitiveness of destinations and business."
NECSTouR provides an integrated approach to tourism governance and an important link between regional and wider European levels of government. It provides a link between members and the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Committee of the Regions, and monitors, contributes to and influences European tourism policy developments.
As a member of the UNWTO’s Affiliate Members Board, NECSTouR enables regions and destinations to support and implement the relevant tourism priorities linked to the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

Our priorities
To address the key challenges that the NECSTouR members are facing in their work to deliver the sustainable and competitive tourism of tomorrow, NECSTouR provides an interregional cooperation strategy focused on the “Five S of sustainable tourism of Tomorrow” - Smart destinations, Socio-cultural balance, Skills and talent, Safety and resilience, Statistics and measurability – and two cross-cutting initiatives: The Barcelona Declaration “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit” and the Smart Specialisation Platform for Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism.
NECSTouR addresses the challenge of applied technology in the context of the visitor economy and tourism SMEs, as well as general innovation through the S3P Tourism.
NECSTouR priorities are linked to the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, as adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, and will enable regions to support and implement the relevant SDGs, as part of our cooperation with the UNWTO.
NECSTouR has been cooperating with the European Commission’s DG Grow tourism unit, identifying synergies with their work and where European tourism-related policies have an impact on the five NECSTouR priorities. In the Commission’s 2010 communication, “Europe, the world’s N° 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe”, NECSToUR is highlighted as a reference for measuring sustainable tourism and features in the Council’s conclusions of October 2010.
NECSTouR acknowledges and supports the European Committee of the Regions 2016’s reference to “Tourism as a driving force for regional cooperation across the EU”, where NECSTouR is mentioned as a good example of a regional platform exchanging “good practices and know-how about the use of EU financial instruments”.
Our Strategic Alliances

EU Institutions
NECSTouR has strong experience in working jointly with the EU institutions, including various Directorate Generals of the European Commission (GROW, EAC, REGIO, MARE, ENV, ENER, MOVE); the European Parliament’s TRAN Committee and Tourism Intergroup; and the Committee of the Regions’ NAT Commission.

NECSTouR and the UNWTO signed a Memorandum of Understanding in December 2016 and in 2019 NECSTouR was elected to the board of UNWTO Affiliate members.

European Tourism Manifesto for Growth and Jobs
NECSTouR is a signatory organisation of the EU Tourism Manifesto for Growth and Jobs, and a Steering Committee member leading on the Sustainability priority, positioning tourism as a key economic driver and a crucial area for future funding and policy decisions.

European Tourism Association - ETOA
NECSTouR and ETOA signed a Memorandum of Understanding in April 2018.

European Travel Commission – ETC
Both organisations have a well establish cooperation relation specially in the framework of advocating to position Tourism higher in the EU agenda

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions – CPMR
NECSTouR strongly cooperate with CPMR in the framework of EU projects, especially on the MED area.

European Institute of Cultural Routes - EICR
Both organisations have a strong cooperation and strategic alliance since NECSTouR’s origins in 2009
European Heritage Alliance 3.3
NECSTouR became a member of the Alliance in January 2018 which enabled the network to strengthen its cooperation with Europa Nostra and the European Cultural Tourism Network - ECTN