NECSTouR actively involved in the 2017 EU Green Week “Greener jobs for a greener future".

NECSTouR actively involved in the 2017 EU Green Week “Greener jobs for a greener future".

The EU Green Week's aim is to debate and discuss European environmental policy and is organized annually by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Environment. 

NECSTouR involvement:

In Brussels: EU Ecolabel - Highlighting contribution to green jobs creation in the context of the 25th anniversary session on 31st May 2017 organised by DG ENV

NECSTouR President made an online intervention as to share widely NECSTouR priority with regards to the EU Ecolabel on Tourism Accommodation and NECSTouR’s commitment with the tourism sustainable certifications as a strategy for CSR tourism performances and an opportunity for quality and branding.

The rural house L’Avenc de Tavertet (Catalonia), certified with the EU Ecolable, participated as the success story on EU Ecolable representing the Tourism accommodation and shared the reasons why applying, the benefits and the challenges.

NECSTouR President Intervention 

L’Avenc de Tavertet EU Ecolabel success story.

Link to website: 

In Barcelona: “Sustainable Certification: a Competitive Advantage for Tourism Destinations” on 29th May 2017 organised by the Region of Catalonia

Catalonia celebrates the Year of Sustainable Tourism. As such, the Catalan Government through the General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Climate Change and the Directorate General of Tourism, organized this Green Week side event as to award the tourism industry that has made the effort to achieve certification EMAS/ EU Ecolabel. The certificate was handed by the Catalan Regional Minister of Territory and Sustainability.

Moreover, the event organized a raising awareness session, as to introduce the EU Ecolabel on Tourism Accommodation to the Catalan sector, on how to endorse it and what are the benefits, as well as the marketing opportunities through the Catalan Tourism Board.