The initiative "Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism" is one of the 11 thematic Areas of the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation (S3P-Industry), by the European Commission.

NECSTouR support this initiative, which is promoted by some of its member Regions: Andalucia (ES) (leader), Catalonia (ES), Lazio (IT), Tuscany (IT), Valencia (ES)
A more detailed description of that initiative and further information about that are available here.
News and Best Practices
NECSTouR Makes a further step ahead at FITUR 2022 Towards a Sustainable Tourism Recovery of the European Destinations
As one of the major world trade fair on Tourism, from 19 to 21 of January FITUR 2022 offered to the various NECSTouR Spanish members that were attending the opportunity to meet and discuss on their sustainable tourism plans for recovery.
Online Info Day: Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Instrument
On 9 December 2021, the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) organised an informative webinar to learn more about the Interregional Innovation Investment Work Programme (I3) 2021-2022.
The I3 work programme aims aimed at promoting innovation through smart specialisation and interregional collaboration.
Call for Proposals: ERDF Interregional Innovation Investments (I3)
On 24 November 2021, the Commission launched the first call for projects for the new Interregional Innovation Investment instrument (I3). This is a new funding instrument for 2021-2027 that allocates €570 million to support the commercialization and scaling up of interregional innovation projects in shared smart specialization priority areas.
6th International Conference on the Subnational Measurement and Economic Analysis of Tourism (MOVE 2021)
The 6th MOVE2021 Conference has been a dissertation space on tourism where multiple experiences have been shared for the measurement of tourism at subnational levels and its sustainability and then its relevant use by public and private stakeholders for decision making towards smart, competitive, sustainable and inclusive destination and tourism businesses.
NECSTouR outlines the pathway from commitment to action at the 20th European Tourism Forum
Today, the NECSTouR President, Mr. Manuel Alejandro Cardenete, was pleased to participate to the 20th edition of the European Tourism Forum, co-organised by the Slovenian Presidency and the European Commission fully online and web streamed.
"Building a Better Recovery Towards the Tourism of Tomorrow: Public-Private-Citizens Partnerships" at our AGM in Tirol
NECSTouR celebrated its Annual General Meeting 2021 and Thematic Conference “Building a Better Recovery Towards the Tourism of Tomorrow: Public-Private-Citizens Partnerships”, hosted by the Tirol Region from 21st to 24th of September 2021 in Alpbach.
Meeting the Challenges of a More Sustainable, Resilient and Competitive Tourism Future at the NECSTouR AGM 2021
NECSTouR celebrated its Annual General Meeting 2021, hosted by the Tirol Region from 21 to 24 September in Alpbach.
39 official tourism organisations from across Europe met to agree the way ahead for a more responsible approach to tourism.
During the annual meeting – the first to be held in a hybrid format since the pandemic – members elected a new Executive Committee to strategically guide the work of the network over the next three years.
"Smart Destination" Online International Conference
The Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur organised the international online conference of the Smart Destination project.
Call for Contribution: Let's develop the Tourism of Tomorrow through Data Analysis
Do you believe that data analysis will play a pivotal role in regenerating our industry, badly damaged by the COVID-19 outbreak? Are you facing any challenge with data for tourism-related purposes? Is it likely you plan to work with third party players for the sourcing & analysis of data over the next 18 months?
If so, the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab may come up with solutions to help your recovery
Committee of Regions: Regions and cities use the COVID-19 crisis to spark a debate on resilience and sustainability in the tourism sector
On 8 December, an opinion drafted by Manuel Alejandro Cardenete Flores (ES/Renew Europe), Deputy Minister for Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Vice-President of NECSTouR, was presented during the plenary session of the Committee of Regions.
NECSTouR at the Tourism Innovation Summit 2020: Summary Report
NECSTouR was strategic partner at the TIS - Tourism Innovation Summit, 2020 (25-27 November 2020, Seville).
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