NECSTouR contributed to the Interactive Workshop about the "Contribution of Tourism Promotion to Cultural Heritage", organised by the European Travel Commission (ETC) on the 21st of June in Berlin and supported by Europa Nostra.
The workshop was built on the Barcelona Declaration, launched at Necstour conference ‘Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit’. This declaration addresses five key principles to ensure the sustainability of cultural heritage while also finding a balance between local communities and tourists.
Mrs Sandra de Puig, Coordinator of NECSTouR, presented the main key-elements of the declaration as a concrete example on how Tourism can contribute to the Social and Cultural Sustainability of Europe.
Mrs de Puig also moderated a thematic discussion on that topic, encouraging and facilitating further partnerships and collaboration between representatives by the tourism and heritage sectors who attended the group discussion.
The event was organised in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
(photo by ETC)