Tourism of Tomorrow Lab is the department of NECSTouR which delivers services based on data to Premium members, our goal is to solve specific and real problems hand in hand with DMOs´ Technicians and to share learnings between the members of the net.

The current core of the department is a team of three experts: Senior Data Scientist, Digital Tourism Consultant Expert and Senior Tourism Data Expert with the full support of NECSTouR team.
The department is hosted in Andalucía Lab, Marbella, and managed by this Region with the support of Lapland. ToT Lab is open to private collaboration like Amadeus, a company that has played a substantial role since the idea's origin.
TotLab differentiating factors:
- Fast and direct impact solving real problems: provides ad hoc consultancy services directly to technicians at the DMO level who are in charge of implementing the results.
- Maximizing existing resources: consultancy services help to define and scope the projects and find solutions based on available data.
- Boost network efforts and synergies: promote collaborations between destinations with common issues.
- Match public and private interests: invites actively private providers (data providers) from the private sector to participate in solving specific problems.
- Strong focus on improving travel sustainability.
- Non-profit but financially sustainable initiative.

Through their membership fee , NECSTouR members can get on a regular basis key market trends and experiences underlying the benefits of data in the decision-making process of DMOs, especially when related to sustainability.
Through their membership fee, the NECSTouR members can find in the ToT Lab a directory of data sources and providers, supporting DMOs to access the right resources they need to create or maintain their own data sources.
The ToT Lab platform will promote internal events to the NECSTour community. These events aim to create an ecosystem with the community and liaise with possible private partners.
Subscribers have the opportunity to share and connect with the core team of the department and with like-minded people to seek solutions to their problems through a collaborative approach. ToT Lab acts as a community manager and aims to provide customers with immediate answers to their questions and feel connected with peers and informed people.
Through this feature, the subscriber learns the key take-aways from other participants when dealing with a specific set of data and makes the best use of shared resources.
ToT Lab develops workshops targeted to technicians and DMO managers, provided by ToT Lab technicians, technological partners and external collaborators.
This service is directed to meet specific data-related demand from the premium services subscribers. The ToT Lab team collaborates with the user to solve the stated issue and, over the long-term, also supports the client with transforming towards a culture of data-based decision making.
The consulting services are carried out at two levels: one the level of data and on the business level.
Learnings and experiences are shared between the Premium partners.
Join us

- DMOs are aware of the importance of using data for making better decisions, but thriving in this field is more related to knowledge and collaboration than data. By joining us, you will have access to both.
- European Destination Management Organizations with public participation at any National, Regional or Local level.
- Contact the Secretariat, express your interest and receive personalized support.
- The cost to become a Premium Partner is 20.000 euros per year
Tourism of Tomorrow Lab Premium Partners are:


Basque Country




Valencia Region
Headquarters and Contacts

The Tourism of Tomorrow Lab Director leads a small and talented technical team of experienced data scientists who deliver customized activities to support the Premium Partners and the freemium activities for all the Members of NECSTouR.
The Tourism of Tomorrow Lab headquarters are in the premises of the Andalucía Lab in Marbella, Andalusia Region, where the team is based.
Andalucía Lab
Ctra Nacional 340, Km. 189, 6
29604 Marbella, Málaga
Phone: +34 671 536 518
info@andalab.org | www.andalucialab.org
However, its activity will be international and mostly channeled by and with NECSTouR Members.
NECSTouR is the legal entity of the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab and the NECSTouR Secretariat team in Brussels contributes to its development.
NECSTouR Permanent Secretariat
Rond Point Schuman 14 – 1040, Brussels, Belgium – EU
Phone : +32 (0) 2 721 7293
info@necstour.eu | www.necstour.eu
News and Best Practices
The European Commission published the first pledges to the Tourism Transition Pathway
The Commission published a first summary of stakeholders committments to the Tourism Transition Pathway (TTP) to highlight interesting messages and great examples, including the one from NECSTouR and those Members Regions that already shared their committment to the TPP.
NECSTouR speaks at Gaia-X Tourism Data Space Event
On Thursday 9 June 2022 Cristina Nuñez, NECSTouR Director, and Ana Moniche Bermejo, Senior Analyst, Turismo Andaluz and NECSTouR Tourism of Tomorrow Lab, were pleased to give a keynote address at the Tourism Data Spaces online event "How Can Dataspaces Contribute to the Tourism Development in Europe Through Citizen-Centred Offerings" by Gaia-X, the frontr
Tourism Innovation Summit 2022
From 2-4 November 2022 the Tourism Innovation Summit will take place in Seville, Spain. As partner of the event, NECSTouR is organising both a workshop together with the European Travel Commission and a workshop under the Regional Councillors Agenda.
NECSTouR Thematic Conference "Building tourism destinations’ resilience to respond to crisis: How do you recover competitiveness by regenerating your business model?"
In the framework of our Annual General Meeting 2022, NECSTouR organised a Thematic Conference on “Building tourism destinations’ resilience to respond to crisis: How do you recover competitiveness by regenerating your business model?”, hosted by the Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality on 1st of June 2022 in Ringkøbing.
Gaia-X Tourism Data Space Event “How can dataspaces contribute to the tourism development in Europe through citizen-centred offerings?”
NECSTouR is pleased to announce our participation in the Tourism Data Spaces online event by Gaia-X, the frontrunner of the European and global democratic approach to digitalisation and data spaces, taking place on 9 June 2022 from 09:30 – 16:00 CET.
NECSTouR and its member Regions’ co-implementation of the Tourism Transition Pathway
Following the publication by the European Commission in February of the Tourism Transition Pathway (TTP), and their recent invitation for us to express our concrete commitment by answering their call for commitments survey, on 11th May we organised a successful webinar "How NECSTouR and our Regions can Implement the Tourism Transition Pathway Through Interregional Cooperation".
Webinar "How NECSTouR and our Regions can Implement the Tourism Transition Pathway Through Interregional Cooperation".
On Wednesday 11th May online from 11-12:30 CEST NECSTouR offers our members the chance to demonstrate your Region's efforts in sustainability leadership to the European Tourism Agenda, through our webinar "How NECSTouR and our Regions can Implement the Tourism Transition Pathway Through Interregional Cooperation".
More information will follow soon, in the meantime register here.
NECSTouR Exchanges with European Hotels and Restaurants on Joint Strategies towards Tourism Recovery
On 28 April, NECSTouR Vice-President Torrent, joined the General Assembly of HOTREC in Prague. He brought an overview on how NECSTouR is accelerating the European Tourism Recovery through the implementation of the Tourism Transition Pathway and other strategies on sustainable tourism, in front of the representatives of the umbrella Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Pubs and Cafes in Europe.
NECSTouR Permanent Secretariat Kindly Welcomes our new Communication Assistant!
My name is Emme Johnson and I am the new Communication Assistant at NECSTouR. For the next six months I will be supporting the team in a variety of communication tasks related to the daily workings of NECSTouR, upcoming events and ongoing European Projects.
Webinar "Strategies to attract technological talent to the tourism sector: a study for the Valencian Community"
The ToT Lab, a specialised department of Necstour based in Andalucía Lab, works in a network with professionals from destinations and the private sector to help the Regions move from the world of data to that of decisions, especially those aimed at strengthening the sustainability of the destination.
NECSTouR presidency shares our priorities during the 2nd European Cruise Dialogue
On March 1st, 2022, the Directorate General for Maritime Affaires and Fisheries (DG MARE) organised the 2nd European Cruise Dialogue in Brussels. NECSTouR took part in the event through our president to share our priorities for sustainable cruise tourism management.
Our president Manuel Alejandro Cardenete from the Andalusian Region was invited to represent NECSTouR in this dialogue.
NECSTouR Makes a further step ahead at FITUR 2022 Towards a Sustainable Tourism Recovery of the European Destinations
As one of the major world trade fair on Tourism, from 19 to 21 of January FITUR 2022 offered to the various NECSTouR Spanish members that were attending the opportunity to meet and discuss on their sustainable tourism plans for recovery.
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