NECSTouR Permanent Secretariat Kindly Welcomes our new Communication Assistant!
My name is Emme Johnson and I am the new Communication Assistant at NECSTouR. For the next six months I will be supporting the team in a variety of communication tasks related to the daily workings of NECSTouR, upcoming events and ongoing European Projects.
My main tasks will involve:
Assisting in the development and management of NECSTouRcommunication tools;
Supporting relations with the press;
Helping with the management of NECSTouR contact relationship management tools;
Assisting in the communication activities of ongoing European Projects;
Supporting the organisation of NECSTouR meetings and events.
I come from rural England and since graduating in 2017 from my undergraduate degree in French and Hispanic Studies at the University of Sheffield, I have worked in England, France and Belgium. For the last 18 months I have been in Brussels, initially working as a trainee with a tourism-based communications agency, and more recently as a Communications and Marketing trainee for LRE Foundation, an international organisation focused on remembrance tourism with a European network of hiking trails.
I also currently study a part-time Masters in Responsible Tourism Management, so I am excited to combine these skills with my professional communication experience to assist in NECSTouR’s mission to promoteeconomic, social and environmentalsustainabilityin tourism destinations.
I look forward to working with you all and meeting you at the NECSTouR AGM next May!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me at emerald.johnson(at) or +32 (0) 471 53 70 43.