Innovative solutions to manage tourism flows through technologies and big data
09/06/2021 - 10:00

HERIT-DATA : Innovative solutions to manage tourism flows through technologies and big data

The Interreg MED project Herit-Data is celebrating is mid-point with an online conference on the mornings of the 9th and 10th of June: "Innovative solutions to better manage tourism flows impact on cultural and natural heritage sites through technologies and big data"

HERIT-DATA aims to identify innovative solutions, with the support of new technologies and big data, to reduce the negative impacts of tourism on cultural and natural heritage sites. The project will be implemented in six pilot sites including three NECSTouR regions (Occitanie, Tuscany and Valencia) where specific data are and will be collected and analysed through a dedicated platform. Those data will be used by policy makers to design new tourism policies and to better organize tourist flows.

Full program and registration here. NECSTouR and the MED Sustainable Tourism community will take part of the second day.