“Grand Tour of Catalonia” is one of the new tourism products the Catalan Tourist Board and the Directorate General for Tourism of the Catalan Government are developing to enable the implementation of their 4Ds strategy: deseasonalisation, diversification, distinction and development (economic and sociocultural) and to support the sector’s recovery of the COVID19 pandemic. It also integrates two major transversal axes: sustainability and digitalization.
The initiative encourages the visitor (local and tourist) to discover Catalunya along 5 different “slow travel” itineraries. The approach behind this initiative is to deploy a strategy developed along several phases that would enable the integration of artificial intelligence, decarburization of tourism activities and mobility, creation of new products and services, revitalization of emergent destinations, recovery of mature destinations and consolidate an integrated governance where regional and local tourism boards and entities, as well as enterprises, take part of this holistic initiative.