In 2019, Regional Parliament of Tuscany adopted a dedicated legislation on Plastic reduction. Since then, the Tuscany Region has been working on several initiatives connecting plastic reduction in tourism. The project “Toscana Plastic Free" is an initiative launched by Tuscany Region and implemented by Toscana Promozione Turistica and Fondazione Sistema Toscana, which included awareness raising campaigns on sustainability and promotional actions. The promotional actions of the project embrace a wide audience of interlocutors such as schools, local communities, spas and touristic establishments, oriented towards the reduction and recycling of plastic in the environment to qualify the Tuscany destination as sustainable.
Acknowledging the need to add value, promote but also reward sustainable tourism practices, the "Lido sustainable 2021" competition aims to award of the best initiatives lead by the beach operators engaged with reducing their environmental footprint and contributing to the protection of the coast and the sea, while contributing the 2030 SDGs.
This good practice was presented at the NECSTouR Workshop "UNWTO initiatives tackling the “Greening” transition of destinations".
Check the report and the other members' initiatives presented.