NECSTouR Regions and the #Tourism4Recovery Campaign

NECSTouR Regions and the #Tourism4Recovery Campaign: Let's travel to tomorrow together


#Tourism4Recovery Campaign showcases the impact of investments in building a more sustainable, resilient, and innovative tourism sector and urges EU and National policymakers to firmly anchor Tourism in Recovery and Resilience plans.

NECSTouR is pleased to be one of the promoters of this campaign, along with its partners in the European Tourism Manifesto alliance.

#Tourism4Recovery Campaign is composed by:

Call for Action

"Accelerate Social and Economic Recovery by Investing in Sustainable Tourism Development" presents concrete investment proposals in travel and tourism in line with the EU flagship initiatives listed in the European Commission’s Guidance to Member States on Recovery and Resilience Plans.

It  follows NECSTouR call for action Build the European Marshal Plan for Tourism and it gathers the recovery measures deployed by our Regions ad presented during our monthly webinars and our knowledge hub.

Communication Campaign

The landing website page of the campaign includes a toolkit and gathers user-generated content. Press release, Videos, Social Media,...

A wide range of communication actions have been deployed to spread the message among EU and national policymakers.

Wider distribution of the #TOURISM4RECOVERY is encouraged!