How can ESIF tourism projects support regional development? Exploring best practice across the EU
09/10/2019 - 02:00

How can ESIF tourism projects support regional development? Exploring best practice across the EU

    09/10/2019 - 02:00

Tourism is a key driver of employment, competitiveness, and cohesion in the European Union. Considering its importance for the EU, there is a potential to further exploit it as a tool for local, rural and regional development, as well as urban regeneration. The aim of the workshop will be to discuss and promote good practices in sustainable tourism projects, which have been financed by the ESIF. Furthermore, it will provide a platform for knowledge exchange and joint learning on the contribution of ESIF-supported tourism projects to local and regional development.

Ms Sandra de Puig will intervene on behalf of the NECSTouR Permanent Secretariat.

This event, organised in the framework of the European Week of Cities and Regions.

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