Thematic Conference "Local-Led Initiatives on Tourism and Cultural Heritage: a Legacy for Europe"
11/10/2018 - 02:00
NECSTouR and Xunta de Galicia are pleased to invite you to attend the Thematic Conference "Local-Led Initiatives on Tourism and Cultural Heritage: a Legacy for Europe".
NECSTouR, in the framework of 2018 EYCH with the support of the European Heritage Alliance, is leading the pan European dialogue on tourism and cultural heritage and Xunta de Galicia is supporting this initiative, as leader of its Working Group on .
The goal is to leverage the positive effects of tourism and cultural heritage on the social cohesion of Europe, by revaluing Europe’s cultural heritage and understanding, reinforcing the sense of belonging by bringing it to life, fostering economic-job opportunities.
This workshop intends to have an exchange of experiences from different perspectives and stakeholders that could serve as an inspiration and provide lessons learnt to EU regions and cities to strengthen the value tourism and cultural heritage that can jointly endeavor in our territories.
The signature of Barcelona Declaration “Better Places to Live, Better Places to Visit” will conclude the journey as a concrete engagement by the signing organizations to ensure that this reflections and lessons learned will become our legacy beyond the European Year of Cultural Heritage.
The event is organised in the framework of the NECSTouR Annual General Assembly Meeting 2018 and of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and is an official a side event of the European Week of Regions and cities 2018.
Register here (N.B. for NECSToUR Members, another reserved Registration Link has been sent through a specific e-mail concerning NECSTouR AGM2018)