European Week of Regions and Cities 2022
10/10/2022 - 00:00
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. This year #EURegionsWeek 2022 takes place from 10 - 13 October 2022.
During this time there are also side events, in the form of workshops or Info sessions, related to the thematic priorities of the #EURegionsWeek 2022, These events highlight the impact of cohesion policy on citizens' life, discuss the challenges for Europe brought by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the key role played by the European youth in building a greener, more inclusive and digital Europe.
NECSTouR workshop
The Transition Towards a Smarter and Greener Sustainable Tourism Ecosystem in the Mediterranean
12/10/2022 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
This workshop is organised as the final event of the Sustainable Tourism Community (STC). It aims to foster dialogue on the transition towards a greener and more digital sustainable tourism, with a focus on the Mediterranean basin and the concrete case study of the Interreg MED Sustainable Tourism.
Other Tourism Related Events
Integrated Approaches for Dissonant Heritage in Europe ONLINE
11/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB)ICOMOS Germany
All over Europe, dissonant heritage of the 20th century is under discussion. This interdisciplinary pan-European project offers an in-depth exchange about integrated approaches to dissonant heritage, especially in smaller towns and remote areas. A working group of European institutions, international experts, researchers and local practitioners has been working intensively on the topic since 2020. A discussion and a participatory lab with three parallel break out sessions will be held.
The social economy action plan: what’s in it for regional and local authorities? ONLINE
11/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by European Commission - DG EMPL
This workshop is devoted to discussing and exchanging on the support from and to local and regional authorities for building thriving social economy ecosystems.
It will give an overview of the ways local and regional authorities can support the social economy and how the social economy action plan can support them in using existing resources and creating new opportunities. The workshop will provide information about EU funding opportunities for cities and regions to support their social economy, and about policy frameworks for its development.
Ms Marguerite Filippini,Head of Social economy and inclusive economic development at the Île-de-France Region will be among the speakers.
Pact for Skills' participatory lab
11/10/2022 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Organised by European Commission
Practical action on up- and re-skilling at the regional and local level is key to achieving a fair and resilient recovery and the long-term economic success of Europe. Action at this level can deliver up-skilling and re-skilling opportunities that address different social and economic needs, whilst fostering innovation in the context of the green and digital transition. The lab is an opportunity for stakeholders at regional and local level interested in joining forces under the Pact for Skills to tackle the skills challenges emerging from the green and digital transitions. As part of the event, stakeholders will be able to share and learn positive experiences and good practices related to investing in improving existing skills (upskilling), training in new skills (reskilling) and developing concrete skilling actions through collaboration and partnerships. Participants will hear from experienced storytellers who will share innovative solutions to bridge the skills gap and the benefits of joining the Pact for Skills. In breakout sessions, participants will discuss how to maximise the impact of their region's skills investment and manage the impact of green and digital transformations.
Sustainable EU tourism – transforming together ONLINE
11/10/2022 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Organised by European Commission - DG Grow
Together, we have built an EU transition pathway for tourism – a blueprint for greener, data-based, innovative, digital and resilient European tourism. To implement it, all players are encouraged to join and commit with concrete actions.
In particular, we encourage regional and local tourism stakeholders to share concrete actions that can help achieve a more sustainable and resilient tourism ecosystem. The workshop will focus on actions for the green transition, such as promoting sustainable mobility, making tourism services circular, measuring environmental footprints and helping SMEs adopt more sustainable practices, with the help of skills, innovative and digital solutions and sound data. It will be an occasion to share best practices and inspire others to commit to the green transition in tourism.
Ms Marjan Nauwelaert, Sustainability Coordinator at ToerismeVlaanderen will be among the speakers.
#EURegionsWeekUniversity - Tourism as a driver of social exclusion: old and new challenges for the urban agenda ONLINE
11/10/2022 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Organised by Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP)European Regional Science Association (ERSA)Regional Studies Association Europe Foundation (RSA Europe)
In 2020, the H-2020 SMARTDEST project started to tackle the exclusionary power of tourism and related mobilities in European cities and regions, and to seek planning solutions that mitigate these effects and innovative policy frameworks that produce resilient resident communities.
This session will present the intermediate results of the SMARTDEST project at European regional level and in selected case study cities, engaging policy stakeholders in their discussion.
The Europe in the preservation of a World Heritage Site: 20 years of Douro in UNESCO ONLINE
12/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by Norte Portugal Region
In the year marking two decades since the Douro's classification as a World Heritage site, it is important to discuss the difficulties and setbacks faced by this region, but also the way in which European Union funds have helped to create the conditions to make the Douro a tourist destination of excellence. Despite the low territorial density and the demographic issues, Douro has established itself as a unique destination, taking advantage of its navigability, farms, rural hotels and wine trade.
Climate-neutral and resilient historic districts: Findings from the EU R&I Task Force ONLINE
12/10/2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - Organised by European Commission - DG RTDEuropean Research Executive Agency (REA)Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligen Analysis and Infomation Systems IAIS (Fraunhofer IAIS)HYPERION ProjectShelter Project
Cities host almost 80% of Europe’s population, are the main drivers of its economy and key actors in solving the climate crisis. Historic districts are at the heart of European cities, giving a "sense of place" and contributing to people's well-being. However, such districts face specific resilience challenges that cannot be solved by one-size-fits-all solutions. To coordinate research into these resilience challenges, the EU-funded research projects ARCH, HYPERIOn and SHELTER established the EU R&I Task Force for climate-neutral and resilient historic urban districts.
In this session, Task Force partners and actors at the cross-section of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and disaster risk management for historic districts will present and discuss the main findings of the Task Force.
Digital platforms: culture, belonging and identity ONLINE
12/10/2022 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM - Organised by European Commission - JRC
This workshop will explore how digital platforms can help reinforce the role of culture as a bridge to creating a sense of belonging for regions at the EU borders – both within and across the borders – and help youth and communities explore and engage with local identities. Representatives for the EU's outermost regions, along with the Western Balkans, a minor urban centre and a cooperation project on youth engagement with cultural heritage will lead the discussion on these two topics.
Cultural tourism is green tourism. Ideas and opportunities for the restart after the pandemic ONLINE
12/10/2022 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Organised by Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) Università della Basilicata (UNIBAS)
The future of cultural tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian regions after the pandemic. Questions will be discussed, starting from the policy paper produced by a cluster of projects within the Interreg programme ADRION https://thematic.adrioninterreg.eu/library.
Scholars and stakeholders from the private and public sector of tourism services will discuss the dramatic choices that will shape the future in the Adriatic-Ionian regions.
Ms Barbara Di Piazza, Head of the Joint Secretariat Interreg Programme ADRION at Regione Emilia Romagna will be among the speakers.
Boosting Proximity Tourism through the promotion of Local Patrimony ONLINE
13/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by Arco Latino - Arc LatinPartenalia aisbl
Many trends have developed as a result of the health crisis: travelling closer to home is no exception. Proximity tourism promotes a decrease in tourists' carbon footprint, boosts the local economy and gives increased visibility to the rich and diverse heritage of our territories, especially their monuments. It is also a unique tool to reinvigorate rural areas and sustain jobs locally to avoid critical depopulation. Best practices and new promotion strategies will be discussed at the workshop.
Digital realities in tourism ONLINE
13/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by Aragon Institute of TechnologyAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes TourismeGrand Paradis FoundationInnlandet County CouncilInnovalia AssociationMarshal Office of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region
In the last few years augmented reality and virtual reality have become mainstream technologies in various sectors, particularly in tourism, as these digital realities have a role to play at all stages of the customer's journey.
Before the stay: to reassure, inspire and promote.
During the stay: to offer COVID-safe, fun/new experiences, tell stories or explain history.
After the stay: to collect feedback and improve what's on offer, and to spread word-of-mouth publicity.
Hear about concrete case studies from our experts!
Relaunching European Sustainable Tourism through Cultural Heritage Cooperation and Digitalisation ONLINE
13/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN)
Cooperation between museums and cultural heritage sites (including European Heritage Label sites) in relation to the ReInHerit Horizon2020 CSA: "Medieval Heritage and Archaeology" (supported by the European Association of Archaeologists) "Digitalisation in Sustainable Cultural Tourism, towards Smart Destinations", "Transnational Thematic Tourism Products, including European Cultural Routes" and "Promoting European Heritage to Young Visitors and Travellers" (in the framework of the European Year of Youth 2022).
Other Relevant Events
Opening Session
10/10/2022 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Organised by European Commission - DG REGIO and European Committee of the Regions
The Opening session of the 20th European Week of Regions and Cities will be designed as an interactive debate between speakers, CoR members, local and regional authorities, partners, young local elected politicians and participants on the challenges and future perspective of cohesion policy, its programmes and financial tools for recovery. The Opening session will focus on the role of cohesion policy as the most effective tool for solidarity in response to emergencies and the aftermath of crises, as shown with regard to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
Joint Annual REGI - COTER meeting ONLINE
11/10/2022 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - Organised by European Committee of the Regions - COTER CommissionEuropean Parliament - REGI Committee
2022 is not a standard year, as hundreds of regional managing authorities and cities are facing the unprecedented challenge of shaping and implementing EU investment programmes under exceptional circumstances. Members of the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions will have the opportunity to discuss with Commissioner Elisa Ferreira the state of play of the new programming process, as well as the impact of the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis on the cohesion of the EU.
#EURegionsWeek – Closing session ONLINE
13/10/2022 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM - Organised by European Commission - DG REGIOEuropean Committee of the Regions
After 4 days of intense interaction, the closing session has no lesser ambition than to harvest the results of this "New challenges for Europe’s cohesion" event and its sessions dedicated to:
- Green transition
- Territorial Cohesion
- Digital transition
- Youth empowerment
5 short video summaries will kick off an interactive discussion with the two high-level hosts and event organisers, Commissioner Ferreira and CoR President Cordeiro, on their week’s experience, encounters and take aways.