The Regional Ministry of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration at the Regional Government of Junta de Andalucía has created a task force to overcome the crisis appointing experts from different departments: among others Marketing, Communication, Statistics and Big Data, from different organizational structures in the Andalusia Regional Government (Regional Ministry of Tourism and Turismo Andaluz).
This multidisciplinary team continuously analyses the evolution of the pandemic and its effects on the World, Spanish and Andalusian tourism industry.
The Regional Government of Andalusia has drawn up a Contingency Plan based on the results of the first estimations on the possible evolution of tourism in the region by 2020, to which 300 million € have been allocated.
Two websites have been established:
- Addressing the Tourism sector and professionals
- Addressing the Tourists
Aims to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Andalusian companies in the tourism sector, to incentivize employment and reposition Andalusia as a safe and preferred destination. The Plan integrates two main strategies:
1. MAINTENANCE, REHABILITATION AND REACTIVATION OF THE SECTOR STRATEGY Including: fiscal and contracting incentives, financing and liquidity plans for companies. It foresees a direct impact on the sector of 244 million euros and an estimated global impact on the Andalusian economy of 747 million euros.
2. PRESERVATION AND ENHANCEMENT OF THE ANDALUSIA BRAND STRATEGY where the reactivation of domestic tourism is its main focus, both Andalusian and the rest of Spain (with an investment of 3 million in promotion and communication), media campaigns communication and social networks (4.4 million euros), participation in international tourist events (1.4 million) and strengthening alliances with tour operators and airlines. Part of the investments will come from the current ERDF.
Find here a summary of the Andalusia Tourism Contingency Plan.
Other implemented measures, relate to:
- New initiative! Knowledge Exchange Forums, throughout the Andalusian University Network of Tourism Chairs.
- Andalucía Lab. Training actions through Andalucía Lab: 10 new workshops, monographic courses and online consultancy support.
- Vocational Training courses at Hotel Escuela Convento de Santo Domingo for hospitality
The regional government of Andalusia aims to offer different tools in order to provide data to guide the necessary policy actions to face the COVID-19 crisis on the Andalusian tourism industry:
- Economic impact analysis: definition of different feasible scenarios to anticipate the evolution of the tourism sector in 2020
- Weekly dashboard for flights search, reservations and airline seats capacity
- Weekly opinion poll to the regulated accommodation supply
- Sentiment analysis / social listening
- Consumer confidence indicator for main origin markets in the EU and in Spain
Read the ANDALUSIA COVID-19: Facts and responses 27/03