Balance of the Impact of the war in Ukraine in Scotland
Tomaso Comazzi
Pre-crisis Situation
Scotland typically receives 16,000 Russian resident trips per year, with a total spend of £10m[1]. This can fluctuate between 12,000 to 20,000 visits per year and £10 million and £20 million per annum.
Although exposure to the Russian market is therefore minimal[2], Russia is one of themarkets that has high net worth individuals amongst its visitors, which certain hospitality providers may see as key market clients.
Impact of the War
Consequence on confidence levels among key markets of Europe and North America.
Visitor intention to travel to the UK and Scotland was high prior to the start of the crisis. They expected to be back to 60% of 2019 levels in the summer of 2022 following with a steady growth from summer 2022 onwards.
Scotland may see a downward forecasting from this 60% of 2019 levels and if consumer confidence levels continue to decline, then this will likely have a growing impact on tourism recovery.
[2] by comparison, Germany – Scotland’s biggest market – provides 350,000 – 400,000 visitors per year and generates £180 million to £240 million per autumn