Balance of the Tourism Season in 2020 in Andalusia
Tomaso Comazzi
Summer Season Figures
55% of capacity was reached in summer. Not all the same in the regions of Andalusia: rural area and mountainous area the tourism figures have been excellent. Other areas inland have had 80% of occupation. The coast has had 65% or even 35%.
Some of the regions for the decrease has been the reduction of flights
Good results from domestic and national tourism: mainly inland/rural
Bad results on coast since it is dependent on international tourism: Malaga etc
Situation to the coast become worst at the end of the summer when more cancellations occurred from northern Europe
Measures to revert situation
Plan for autumn: including budget for companies to bit from now until next spring (national government) to pay the salary until the spring.
Developing one voucher to people to consume in the hotels: encourage residents (Andalusian people) to use hotels under 3 conditions: Andalusian, use travel agencies, hotels must be under the stamp “Andalucia segura” (COVID-19 free certification)
Budgeting international events: to position Andalusia as an option to go on vacation for 2021
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