Danish Wertern Coast

Balance of the Tourism Season in 2020 in the Danish Wertern Coast

    Tomaso Comazzi
  • 09/09/2020

Summer season Figures

Tourism on the West Coast of Denmark is recovering largely in due to a combination of the reopening of the southern borders and an increase in domestic tourism. The number of overnight stays in July has increased 7,5% compared to July 2019 (from 2,974,031 overnight stays in July 2019 to 3,198,107 in July 2020). The great summer has, however, not made it possible to catch up with the decrease in overnight stays from the spring lock-down – the general decrease in overnight stays Jan-July 2020 is now at 22%.


Measures to revert the situation

In Denmark the tourism industry is included in the national recovery packages on equal terms with other industries. These national actions cover general operating costs and salaries. Furthermore, a national recovery package (the summer-help-package) to further visitors in the cultural sector such as museums and zoos was running from July 1st until August 8th 2020 and has amongst others helped the cultural organizations increase the number of visitors by offering half price on entrance tickets.

On a regional level, the tourism Destinations has kept in close contact with the tourism industries in order to offer help and guidance on the different measures instigated by the national government and in regard to the gradual reopening.  Herein, measures on digital transformation, mapping of new initiatives and development of events that are possible to carry through, take high priority.


Check the full Report on the Balance of the Tourism Season in 2020 in NECSTouR Regions


Regional Information