
Balance of the Tourism Season in 2020 in Scotland

    Tomaso Comazzi
  • 09/09/2020

Summer season Figures

Self - catering sector is going very well, almost fully booked. Less well for hotels specially located in cities. No conferences, business events. 

Caravan and camping: 80 - 90% capacity

Only focusing on domestic tourism 4 out of 5 took a break in Scotland

83% of visors from Scotland come from UK so this proximity has been helping the results

Measures to revert situation

Given that MICE will be the last sector to recover, 6milion pound from Scottish government managed by VS: will provide finance support to the organisations (companies delivering the supporting businesses - not directly targeting the events/conferences per se). Great success so far.

Hospitality fund to encourage people to reassure consumers that it is safe to go back: whole august 

Food sector:  the government was providing support to encourage residents to have meals in rest/hotels on 3 days per week

Safe certificate: Good to Go: also talking all the UK. 600 ?? business have obtained this certificate

Tourism and regional recovery plan

Tourism is Scottish plan of recovery. Plan of the 2030 responsible tourism for sustainable future and COVID response will be included. Tourism TF by Tourism minister to ensuring tourism:

- Stimulating demand
- Business support
- Investment: how do we invest in tourism to maximise tourism recovery: stronger, greener, digital - not going back to before


Check the full Report on the Balance of the Tourism Season in 2020 in NECSTouR Regions


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