Together with the economic measures taken by the Minister of Economy (see below), 20 million € have been spent on Walloon tourism support since the beginning of the health crisis.
After the Minister of Tourism for Wallonia took in June different post containment measures (see below), a second programme of measures (2,4 million €) has been decided in November to support the sector. This implies:
1. Financial aid in tourist attractions and social tourism establishments maintenance costs incurred during closure (from 1. 11 to 13.12) due to the Covid19. Total amount : 1,2 million €
2. Financial aid to the authorized local tourism accommodation with a capacity of more than 10 people (a lump sum of 2500 € per establishment). Total amount : 1,2 million €.
The Minister of Tourism for Wallonia has in June taken different post containment measures to support the tourism sector (6,5 million €). Check the Walloon Recovery Plan
The Walloon Minister of Economy took a series of measures which were also intended to the tourist sector:
- 233 million euros for SME’s which have to suffer from the crisis : 5 000 € payment for those which have to close their doors (hotels, catering, travel agencies, tourist attractions)
- possible waiver of utility payments
- deferral of tax payments and water (Walloon water distribution network) invoices;
- freezing of loans to public institutions;
- guarantees on bank loans to companies (SMEs and larger ones)
- Quick loans (equal to the bank loans) from the Walloon government funding body (SOGEPA) for turnaround SME’s
- flexibility for SME’s grant applications.
The Belgian Federal Government adopted a series of measures supporting the tourism sector:
- a fixed amount per month for firms which have recourse to partial unemployment for force majeure ;
- deferral of VAT payment, social contributions and corporate tax ;
- reduced social contributions for self-employed conditional on proving a decrease in revenue due to the outbreak ;
- cancellation or deferral of social contributions for the self-employed
- income replacement for the self-employed ;
- suspension of penalties for suppliers failing to fulfill government contracts.