The first call of the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) 2021-2027 is now open! As of the 22nd of March, the application can be submitted through an online form!
In the programme document, tourism is mentioned in the general objective “Inclusive” where one of the Strategic Objectives (SO) is “Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation”.
Within this SO, the Programme aims to support projects that:
The combination of these activities may lead to the following results:
However, the rest of the programme targets a lot of areas where tourism can be a relevant sector: Climate and environment, Circular economy, Innovation and resilience, Energy transition.
The eligible entities include private sector players, academic and research players, civil society and public administrations (local, regional and national authorities, EGTCs, government agencies, public equivalent organisations with competence in the areas dealt with, etc.). It is highly recommended that all parts of society is represented in the consortium even if they do not have the same level of involvement.
The consortium must be composed of at least three partners from three different countries (usually more) of which at least two must belong to the programme area. The North-West Europe area covers Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, some regions in the north of France, some regions in the West of Germany and Switzerland.
Lastly, the lead partner must be a public, non-profit, or public-law body and be located in the NWE programme area.
Transnational partnerships are invited to submit their project proposal under one priority, and within this chosen priority under one specific objective.
The North-West Europe Interreg Programme defines 3 categories of activities which projects can undertake:
A combination of at least 2 of the activities above should be designed and implemented in the framework of one project.
Interreg North West Europe offered some tips to write a good project:
Project proposals must be submitted via the monitoring system of NWE Program: Jems. A summary presentation of the project must also be provided in the four languages of the program (Dutch, English, French, German).
NECSTouR members are invited to contact NECSTouR secretariat if they are interested in creating a project for the programme or to join a consortium. NECSTouR plans to submit a project proposal based on the Barcelona Declaration “Better places to live, better places to visit”. The Barcelona Declaration seeks to demonstrate what tourism and cultural heritage sectors can achieve by working more closely together, for the benefit of European citizens and cultural heritage as well as businesses, visitors and destinations.
The selection procedure will take place in two phases.
If selected after stage 2 of the procedure, activities’ project will start in February 2023.