NECSTouR and CPMR committed to take steps towards in their collaboration about their involvement in political and technical initiatives concerning existing and future European Tourism policy and strategies by signing together a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Existing Cooperation. As two of the leading Regional networks in the field of Sustainable Tourism in Europe, NECSTouR (Network of European Regions for Competitive and Sustainable Tourism) and CPMR (Conference of Peripheral and Maritime Regions) are already cooperating in several initiatives. Among the others, they are cooperating as partners of MITOMED+ (Models of Integrated Tourism in the MEDiterranean Plus) Project, lead by Tuscany Region.
"Through this MoU we want to state our intention of intensifying our cooperation - declared Mr Jan Korthoudt, NECSTouR Vice-President - including regular exchange of information, mutual promotion and involvement in technical or political initiatives and to explore conditions required to design and implement joint projects under the European transnational cooperation programmes".
Signing Ceremony. The MoU has been signed with the occasion of the MITOMED+ Capitalisation Conference by NECSTouR Vice-President - Mr Jan Korthoudt, from Flanders Regions - and CPMR Secretary General - Ms Eleni Marianou - and in presence of Mr Stefano Ciuoffo, Councillor for tourism and trade of the Tuscany Region and Ms Meritxell Serret Aleu, Representative of the Catalan Government to the EU.
Photo by CPMR