About Adriana
Adriana Tramullas De Nys joined NECSTouR’s Permanent Secretariat in April 2024 as a Projects Officer.
Since then, she has been supporting the team with the organisation of the Annual General Meeting 2024, helping with some of the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab and Climate Hub's tasks and dynamizing and finishing the new NECSTouR's Members Platform. In addition, Adriana has been in charge of implementing NECSTouR's new carbon footprint measuring system and developing the new sustainable events guidelines.
Adriana was born and raised in Barcelona, Spain, in a Spanish-Belgian bi-lingual household, and after graduating with honours from Ramon-Llull University with a bachelor's degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management, she worked as a Project Manager at the Barcelona International Convention Centre. She also completed a Postgraduate Degree in Sustainable Strategy and Management for Tourism Destinations certified by the UNWTO. In 2023, she collaborated with an Interreg project in the French-Caribbean island of Martinique, promoting tourism and culture as catalysts for economic development in the Greater Caribbean for six months.