On the 30th of June 2020, NECSTouR conducted the moderation of the Webinar "Smart and Sustainable Mobility Measures in Tourist Destinations".
This webinar brought together two big European projects dealing with the development of smart and sustainable measures in tourist destinations on where NECSTouR is a partner: CIVITAS DESTINATIONS and MED Sustainable Tourism Community. The MED Sustainable Urban Transports Community was involved as well.
Through its active role in both the projects and the remarkable experience and best practices of its members, NECSTouR facilitated the organisation of the event and the fruitful discussion.
It also contributed into achieving the ultimate goal of this webinar and share good practices on the integration of sustainable and smart mobility in tourism policy/products and to showcase some concrete examples and practical guidelines developed by those projects with a special focus on Mediterranean destinations.
More information
Summary Report of the Discussion
Video Recording
Audio Podcast
NECSTouR Task Force on Sustainable Mobility