Lazio Region is the first NECSTouR Region out of the MITOMED+ Partnership to adopt the MED Maritime & Coastal Tourism Management Model developed by this project. Others can do it too.
Wide Committment. By signing a specific Memorandum of Understanding, Lazio Region committed to:
- Consider the philosophy, the aim and recommendations of Mitomed+ described in its Memorandum of Understanding, as well as its long-term vision based on its outcomes and deliverables, including its final Policy Paper;
- Increase knowledge and social dialogue regarding the development of sustainable and responsible Maritime & Coastal tourism in its own reference area or territory;
- Adopt a Mediterranean Maritime & Coastal tourism management model inspired by Mitomed+ proposal that can provide to the Signatories efficient and concrete tools of management;
- Disseminate and transfer the Green Beach Model to its own area or other destinations of the Mediterranean area (specify if needed);
- Improve Maritime & Coastal decision-making and tourism planning at destination level, using the tools produced by Mitomed+;
- Mainstream its results into local, regional and national policies and foster coordination at all levels;
- Position its destination, by improving its quality and sustainability.
Any interested European Region can join and also adopt the MED Ma&C Tourism Management Model and a free use of the main tools developed by MITOMED+ Project - set of indicators to measure sustainable tourism; Online platform for benchmarking sustainable measures among destinations, based on that tools; Green beach Model, …- by also signing the Memorandum of Understanding.