NECSTouR candidacy to the board of Affiliate Members of UNWTO 2021

NECSTouR re-elected to the board of Affiliate Members of UNWTO

After a successful mandate 2019-2021, NECSTouR is pleased to announce its re-election as Board Member of the UNWTO Affiliate Members for the period 2021- 2025.

Our motto is “We go further when we go together”. This is why we have recently signed the “Glasgow Declaration: A commitment to a decade of Tourism Climate Action” believing that only if we join forces and support each other we can reach net-zero tourism destinations and businesses by 2050.

During this new mandate NECSTouR seeks to be a catalyser of that declaration through a three-pillar approach:   

  1. Knowledge: Sharing the experience of our members that are already taking action to reduce emissions in tourism and getting acquainted of other cases
  2. Advocacy: Positioning tourism as a driver to reach the European Green Deal targets and the 5 pathways of the Glasgow Declaration as the common framework from which to set up the tourism climate action plans
  3. Cooperation: Working closely with our partners, at both European and global levels, starting by the UNWTO Affiliate Members, the Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency and the Travel

More on our proposal of candidature


Mr Manuel Alejandro Cardenete, President of NECSTouR stated to our members:

I look forward to represent your interests in this global framework and I take advantage to thank Patrick Torrent and Catalonia Region - NECSTouR former President - for the great legacy they leave behind after having positioned our vision and voice there in the last three years.

I want to congratulate our members from Basquetour and the University of Malaga for having been also elected as Board member of the UNWTO.