The objective of the MED S&C Path model is to achieve an integrated planning and management of cultural routes and other physical or thematic paths in the Mediterranean destinations, by following sustainability principles. By monitoring sustainability, route managers and regional policymakers are able to take evidence-based decisions to better manage the routes and the social, economic and environmental impacts related to them.
The Model builds on previous approaches and outputs: experiences of previous relevant projects, such as the platform developed within MITOMED+ (one of NECSTouR previous project in the Interreg MED programme) among many others, have been gathered and updated into a toolkit. Data and indicators included in the latter have then been tested through pilot actions in partner regions. The resulting toolbox was consolidated into the MED S&C Path - Sustainable Path & Cultural Routes Model, whose main focus is the integration of tourism planning into wider development strategies.
The Interreg BEST MED Project follows a strategy of previous approaches and outputs, testing an updated toolkit of data indicators, contributing to the design of a new Green model (MED S&C Path), focusing on the integration of tourism planning into wider development strategies, together with mobilizing key players both at local and specifically at transnational level, creating synergies across MED countries.
The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), together with the rest of the partners, has coordinated this key report. The document has been developed by Any Solution SL in collaboration with the CAST (Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism-Bologna University) research team as external experts of Lazio Region.
Find the report available here.