The NECSTouR Climate Action Plan aims to support our network of members on the journey to zero emissions and tackling Climate Change. Here you can take a look at the published NECSTouR Climate Action plan.
Take a look at the plan here
The tourism sector is highly vulnerable to climate change, and at the same time contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases, which cause global warming. According to UNWTO/ITF latest research, emissions from tourism are forecasted to increase by 25% by 2030 from 2016 levels. Therefore, the need to scale up climate action in tourism remains urgent and of utmost importance for the resilience of the sector.
It is in this context that in July 2021 NECSTouR declared the climate emergency, then signed the Glasgow Declaration “Climate Action in Tourism” in October 2021 and committed to publish its climate action plan as supporting organisation in one year time.
Climate Action describes the efforts to measure and reduce GHG emissions and strengthen adaptive capacity to climate induced impacts, and these efforts are strategically embodied by the delivery of detailed Climate Action Plans. Our Climate Action Plan delivers on NECSTouR’s commitments as a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration, and aligns our actions with the EU Transition Pathway for Tourism and ‘Fit for 55’. The purpose of this Climate Action Plan is to support and accelerate climate action by European regional destinations. The plan was published at the NECSTouR Annual General Meeting 2022.