On 4 February 2022 the European Commission unveiled the transition pathway for tourism, the first in a series of transition pathways for EU industrial ecosystems.
Following the 2021 Updated Industrial Strategy and given the many challenges faced by the tourism industry and the major impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism ecosystem was the first industrial ecosystem to work on a transition pathway.
The extensive stakeholders co-creation process began in June 2021 with a targeted consultation on possible scenarios for transition. Altogether over 30 workshops and meetings were held with stakeholders to further brainstorm and elaborate the ideas.
NECSTouR and its members contributed to that exchange and its suggestions have been retained in the final version of the pathway.
Last 14 January, a bilateral exchange among the NECSTouR members and the Head of Tourism at the European Commission was the opportunity to share on the way NECSTouR and its members could contribute to the implementation of the pathway with their regional good practices and private stakeholders.
The transition pathway identifies 27 areas of measures for the green and digital transition, and for improving the resilience of EU tourism. It calls for more circular and environmentally friendly services in tourism, enhancing data sharing for more innovative services, and improving accessibility of services, among others.
Following the 2021 Updated Industrial Strategy and given the many challenges faced by the tourism industry and the major impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism ecosystem was the first industrial ecosystem to work on a transition pathway.
During a tourism-dedicated spotlight event on 8 February, during the EU industry days, the Commission and stakeholders (including NECSTouR) discussed the transition pathway and the next co-implementation steps. More info to come soon (report).