Region of Valencia: Recovery Plan for Tourism

Region of Valencia: Recovery Plan for Tourism (Update 02/10)

    Thomas Guillot
  • 02/10/2020

The Plan

The region of Valencia has set up a Recovery Plan for Tourism against COVID -19 “RECUPERATUR COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA 2020”.

All the main strategic lines proposed below have been established under a governmental, economic and social plan and following the framework established by the government of Spain and of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Strategic Lines:

1. Program "Region of Valencia, safe destination against covid-19"
2. Recovery of the business fabric, employment and destinations.
3. Information for governance from monitoring, analysis and prospective.
4. Positioning “live and safe Mediterranean” and stimulating the demand.
5. Training to face the health and economic crisis and to come out stronger.


Some of the actions being deployed at this current stage are:

Economic Support:

- New line of grants is being designed to increase domestic demand, a voucher for valencian people to be used till 2021 spring, more than 10 millions have been reserved for the initiative.
- During last months, 6.5 million euros of direct grant were distributed (5.5 million € for tourism self-employees and SMEs and 1 million euros for music festivals) targeting the development of experiential tourism products, high quality of services and the travel agencies.
- Another 7 million euros have been launched together with the support of partnership and business projects, to establish training programmes and other singular agreements of relevance for the tourism and creative industry

Informative Campaign for Tourists: through the design contract, production and purchase of means for the execution of a informative regional advertising campaign on the security measures to implement in the tourism sector on the occasion of COVID-19 (Budget € 666,000)

Technical Specifications to guarantee safety of tourists via the promotion of safety and security measures towards tourism related services, companies and destinations

Guide of Recommendations to get destinations SARS-CoV2 coronavirus-safe in the Comunitat Valenciana, prepared by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana, considering the regulations in force at all times, the various reports published, and specifically those prepared by the Ministry of Health of Spain and the Generalitat Valenciana.

The guide addresses recommendations for beaches and inland destinations. They are guides that include mandatory regulations but especially recommendations / ideas / solutions to manage the identification of possible risk points, arrival of tourists. (Capacity management, accesses, information, training of specific management entities, how to prepare contingency plans, examples of decalogue of conduct for users, plan checklist for municipalities ...)

Supporting Material

- General information
- Read the action plan in Spanish
- Read Valencia Region initial action plan following the COVID-19 outbreak

Regional Information