The University of Malaga has joined the Network!

The University of Malaga has joined the Network!


We are very pleased to confirm that the Executive Committee of NECSTouR has approved the adhesion of the University of Malaga to the Network, as an Academic Member.
Please receive a warm welcome to NECSTouR!


"The University of Malaga is new member of NECSTouR. Looking forward to a fruitful collaboration and exchange on tourism" With this tweet, the University of Malaga celebrated the adhesion to NECStouR.


NECStouR permanent secretariat immediately answered by twitting: "NECSTouR warmly welcomes the University of Malaga as a new member. Looking forward to cooperate with you for a more Competitive and Sustainable Europe!"


The university of Malaga is a Campus of International excellence. It offers 67 Graduation Programmes, 65 Official Masters, 21 PHDs Programmes and 57 Specific Titles. The Faculty of Tourism is particularly focused on promoting a tourism of quality for the whole Andalusian Region.


Check the new member page of the University of Malaga on our website.


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