Promoted at the CETT Smart Tourism Congress, the online workshop showcased smart tourism tools developed by three different projects dealing with Mediterranean destinations. Two of them were represented by NECSTouR members: Andalusia and Tuscany. The session was moderated by Josep Rodriguez from the Barcelona Province (DIBA), lead partner of the Interreg Med Sustainable Tourism community (STC).
You can (re)watch the exchange here.
“The sustainable development of tourism is a process in need of continuous monitoring to evaluate and take the adequate actions” said Ana Moniche from the Andalusia Region. She presented two tools developed by MITOMED+, a project where NECSTouR was involved.
The first is a system of 33 indicators to monitor the impact of maritime and coastal tourism. Second is a common online platform with a visual and intuitive presentation of the results of those indicators. Other regions are still able to join the platform to compare their destinations with others. The BEST MED Governance Project within the Interreg MED community is currently using the MITOMED+ platform in its work program.
Manuela Bigi from Tuscany Region presented solutions, developed within the HERIT DATA project, to reduce the impact of tourism in heritage sites through the use of new technologies and big data (easy and ready to use).
Here is the online platform collecting data to manage tourism flows developed by the University of Florence, still in the testing phase in six different countries.
Dario Bertocchi from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice showed the Smart Integrated Tourism Data System developed by the SHAPE TOURISM project. A system integrating different data sources, not only from public services. And focusing on the problem of scale in tourism data through the regionalisation of indicators to transform the international ones into a local dimension.
“Venice was the best example for overtourism-related problems, the SHAPE TOURISM project has now adapted their tools for the COVID era” he added.
The Smart Tourism Congress was organised by CETT (Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy), an academic member of NECSTouR, with the collaboration of the DIBA and the support of the UNWTO. More information about the event here.