

Here you can find all the latest publications on Tourism Policy from NECSTouR members, EU Institutions and other tourism stakeholders!

OECD Tourism and SMEs Policy Responses

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released two separated notes on specific measures on tackling Coronavirus. One is cataloguing Tourism Policy Measures and one is dedicated to the measures to help SMEs.

CHARM Newsletter #2 - 10 European Pilot Villages selected for the transnational CHARM route

The second newsletter of the CHARM project was released in March 2020 to announce the selection of 10 European villages in 6 countries (Finland, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Belgium) for the transnational CHARM route.

Each pilot village will benefit from:

CHARM Newsletter #1 - Creation of a transnational route with 10 European charming villages

The first newsletter of the CHARM project was released in September 2019 to present the project and report on the Kick Off Meeting in Catalonia.

Interreg Europe's tips for hosting online meetings

More and more, companies are turning to teleconferencing, webinars and online meetings. Here are Interreg Europe communication team sharing their top tips to help you make sure that your online event is as successful as a physical one.

UNWTO Launches a Call for Action for Tourism’s COVID-19 Mitigation and Recovery

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has released a set of recommendations calling for urgent and strong support to help the global tourism sector not only recover from the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 but to ‘grow back better’.

Read their news article presenting the initiative.